Tuesday, November 17, 2009

18 days left...

As of today we officially have 18 days left. Where did all that time go? It seems like just yesterday I was peeing on a sticking not expecting to get good news. And now - I'm on the verge of having a real live baby.

I went back to the Dr. today. BP is elevated but holding steady below dangerous levels!!! She switched me to Hep.a.rin for the next few weeks. Pretty much the same routine as with the Lov.e.nox. (Only 36 more shots to go!!!!)

The most freak out part was watching my contractions (yes, you read that correctly - CONTRACTIONS) on the NST monitor. I've seen the irritability on the monitor before - but this was completely different. It was a smooth rise to a hump and then back down again. Who knows if it means anything - but secretly my fingers are crossed. I'm just way to anxious to get this last little bit over with so I can actually see this little guy. I'm excited and scared all at the same time.

We had another great ultrasound today too with lots of cute pictures... He was all active and showing off again too...

He seems to love letting his tongue hang out!

He even opened his eyes for this one! (and yes - the tongue is still out...)

Sucking his thumb.


Tina said...

OMG that is amazing!!! xx

Heather said...

Those are GREAT u/s pics! 18 days- you've done SOOOOO well- hang in there!

Michele said...

oh he is beautiful!!!! you are just steps away! I cant wait!!!