Here's the short version of my history...
December 6, 2009 - "Little Man" enters the world after a wonderful pregnancy and delivery
April 2009 - BFP - Baby boy due 12/09
January 2009 - 2nd uterine resection
September 2008 - IVF... BFN
April 2008 - 1st uterine resection to remove a large septum.
2008 - The year of "do anything to get pregnant" Meet with RE against "T"'s gut reaction.
February 2008 - After a ton of blood tests MFM decides my PE was caused by a blood clotting disorder.
January 2008 - Ellie is born at 23w3d due to my severe preeclampsia and dies a few hours later.
September 2007 - WTF?? I'm pregnant
November 2005 - Adoption is final and YaYa gets to come home with us.
January 2005 - YaYa is born and a few days later we see her pictures for the first time.
December 2004 - Submitted final paperwork for international adoption
May 2004 - Started the process for international adoption
December 2003 - Married "T"
2002 - Got a BFP that didn't stick. Decided to pursue adoption instead of ART
2001 - Decided to start a family & gave up BC
2001 - Turned 30, up ended my previous life, met & fell in love with "T"